Debating Calendar

18 September 2014

site admin update

This site was set up by Jens Fischer in 2011 to coordinate European debating tournaments, and exchange information about debate. Anne Valkering took over the site in 2012 and added the motion list to it. John Harper, Jovan Petronijevic and Daan Welling took over the site in August 2014. You can reach them through

Motions in European Competitions 2013-2014

The list below give as complete an overview of the motions used at different European debating tournaments as it was possible to trace in the academic year 2013-2014. All European open or university competitions were included (as well as Worlds) as far as known. The tournaments are sorted in chronological order. Tournaments without motions, or missing motions in tournaments have been made orange.

Please share with as many people as might find this useful. Feel free to add the motions from any tournament that is missing in this list! This includes tournaments in languages other than English, although preferably in translation. Send an email or Facebook message to John Harper, Jovan Petronijevic and Daan Welling.

The overview does not provide any rating of motions used at competitions. Nor does it provide context to debates that may be essentially national issues. Motions from 2012-2013 and 2011-2012 can be found in the blogpost below. For an overview of motions from other regions, please check:

Debate Motion Central

Bangladesh Debate